The Big City

During a week off for Eid Mubarak, myself and a colleague took a trip into Kuwait city to explore the museums for a trip we would like to plan. This would be great of course considering that it was on my list of things to do whilst here. Unfortunately trying to go to anywhere during the week was like trying to go to shops on Christmas day. They were all shut. Plus, surprisingly as I said with school- if its not science, they don’t care. Try asking a taxi driver in Kuwait city to take you to Kuwait National Museum and I imagine you will get the same response as we did. They have not a bloody clue where it is. Why? They don’t care. The science centre however looks fantastic and modern and has an Imax cinema which currently has a 3D film showing about great white sharks, just next to the aquarium. My colleague went and saw this film after we were in the city and told me it was a must see (which I will next week) and only cost him around 3kd (£6).

In addition to seeing all the sites Kuwait has to offer, despite them being shut, I also visited 360 Mall and Avenues Mall. Avenues being the largest mall in Kuwait. Believe me when I tell you, it is massive! HUGE! Feel free to look them up for yourselves.  Whilst at the Avenues I invested in a mini HD projector as the TV in my flat was very dated and the PS3 I brought with me to entertain me was going unused. I managed to get a HD mini projector with speakers and a full size screen for just 80kd (£160). I then got some larger speakers for £12. As I write this blog I am sitting watching Harry Potter on Blu-Ray, through my PS3 and projector. It’s like being in a cinema.

Mr NQ8T.